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Götz together with Joan Clos, Executive Director von UN-Habitat, and Oscar Velarde Vega, Minister of the Government of Aguascalientes
Götz together with Joan Clos, Executive Director von UN-Habitat, and Oscar Velarde Vega, Minister of the Government of Aguascalientes

This year, World Habitat Day was celebrated by the United Nations on 3 October 2011 in Aguascalientes, Mexico, under the theme „Cities and Climate Change“. This day is meant to inspire us to reflect on our communities and cities and the right of everyone to adequate shelter.

Peter Götz, President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat (GPH), participated in the festivities. Together with his predecessor, Oscar Lopez Velarde Vega, he marked the occasion by calling for a joint meeting of all regional committees of the GPH in Aguascalientes, Mexico, in order to make plans for the coming years.

Götz: „More than half of the world population, which has since grown to seven billion, lives in cities. 70 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions are produced by cities. Metropolitan areas are without a doubt the biggest cause of climate change.

Cities are also affected the most by climate disasters, as they are often located near coasts and rivers.

Entry into the Golden Book of the University of Aguascalientes

Entry into the Golden Book of the University of Aguascalientes

Cities must adjust to changing conditions in order to stay places worth living in. They can and therefore must make important contributions to climate protection; through urban planning, the production and use of renewable energies or by improving the energy efficiency of city buildings.

The prominent role of cities will increase even more due to rapid urbanization. The solution of our problems can therefore only take place together with the cities.”

For Götz, it is important that „we walk this difficult path together with our urban residents and let them participate in the development”.


Götz and the Mayor of Aguascalientes with her team

Götz and the Mayor of Aguascalientes with her team

Further Information