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Peter Götz is World President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitatt

Götz übernimmt das Amt des Weltpräsidenten in Bukarest, Rumänien

Handing-over of office to the new World President
in Bucharest, Romania

Peter Götz is World President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat (GPH). Peter Götz is also concerned with questions on housing, urban development and sustainable human settlements at international level. Other critical issues include decentralization and local self-government.

Since April 2008 Götz is World President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat. On 20 March 2010 he was unanimously re-elected at the Global Forum of GPH in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Götz declared: „It is a great pleasure for me that our members have given me their confidence once again. I am now able to continue and deepen the work started two years ago.“

Präsidiumssitzung der GPH-Europa in Brüssel, Belgien

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the GPH-Europe
in Brussels, Belgium

„Committed with heart and soul“

In the twelve years from 1996 to 2008, Götz has been part of the organisation as President of the European Chapter: „Committed with heart and soul“ was his comment when he was elected.

With the election of Götz as World President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat in 2008, the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the GPH moved from Mexico City to Berlin.

Since April 2008, Peter Götz is World President of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat (GPH). He replaces the Mexican Senator Eloy Cantú Segovia as the new leader of the organisation.

Objectives and structure of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat

The Global Parliamentarians on Habitat is an international association of parliamentarians from 177 countries. The organization was established in 1987 with the support of the United Nations Programme on settlement issues, „UN-Habitat“ with headquarters in Nairobi (

Peter Götz im Gespräch mit Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director von UN-HABITAT

Peter Götz and Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of UN-HABITAT

The objective of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat is to support and encourage the implementation of the “Habitat Agenda”, a global action plan adopted in 1996 in Istanbul by UN-Habitat and its member States. In the Agenda, concepts for an adequate, sustainable development in the areas of housing and human settlements were developed and adopted.

The Global Parliamentarians on Habitat meet regularly on regional and world conferences to address issues of sustainable human settlements and the improvement of housing conditions for the poor. Through the international network of parliamentarians, the goals of the Habitat Agenda are carried into the national parliaments, where their implementation is encouraged.

Besuch im Armenviertel Mathare in Kenia

Visiting the slum area Mathare
in Kenya

The Board of Directors coordinates the work of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat. The World President is Chairman of the Board. In his duties he is supported by four Vice-Presidents, who are also the presidents of the regional groupings of the Global Parliamentarians on Habitat for the regions of Africa, America, Asia and Europe.

„Steering global urbanization into a sustainable direction“

Götz: „Whether and how we will succeed in steering global urbanization into a sustainable direction, will decide the quality of future living conditions of mankind. This is because the production of goods, energy sales, consumption and transport services are concentrated in cities. Cities have a major impact on the Environment and on climate change. This is the political challenge of the future and we must approach it proactively. The chances of a global policy for sustainable development and thus the future of humanity will be decided in the cities. And: Towns and communities also reflect the state of a society. They will decide on our future. „

Peter Götz bespricht Zusammenarbeit mit dem chinesischen Abgeordneten Dr. Yuefeng Ni

Peter Götz and Dr. Yuefeng Ni, member of the Chinese Parliament

 „Good Laws for a Better World“

The Global Parliamentarians on Habitat directly influence national and international decision-making processes to ensure coordinated action between governments, municipalities, the private and voluntary sectors and international organizations.

Götz emphasizes that „As parliamentarians, it is our task to create a framework for a better world through legislation“.

General Information


Study on the Implemenation of the Habitat Agenda in the national legislation in selected European Countries, Final Report, November 2008

Study on the Implemenation of the Habitat Agenda in the national legislation in selected European Countries, May 2006


